
Saturday, July 2, 2022

Credit Guru and Ceo Cp Dollars gives the Sauce on raising your credit score

Legendary credit Shark and financial dictator Cp Dollars, real name Pimpfuna Story says that to obtain a credit score increase. Primary trade lines such as Credit Strong and Self Help as well as Kik off. Are the best tools to raise your credit score within a 90 day period of time."You will see a 50 point increase within 45 day,"says Cp Dollars. who is the owner and Ceo of C&G Nationwide enterpises.For a free credit consultation to remove derogatory items and debts from your credit or consumer report. Visit his website at www.C2-Gent.com.

Big v of the Nappy Roots drops new mixtape

Big v known as Vito Banga steps away from the motion picture scene. And brings artistry to life with his new mixtape .38 special. He is sure...